TMMi Assessment & Services

TMMi is an essential tool for evaluating and improving test processes. It enhances quality, test predictability, productivity, increases reliability, efficiency and saves money.

As an accredited Assessment Service and Training Provider, Planit can help you build your understanding of the TMMi model. Identifing your maturity level and implement improvements through TMMi certification.
Focused man in headphones sitting at a laptop and making notes, giving the impression of being a student, paired with abstract background and paper scroll icon and TMMi Foundation logos

Elevate Your Testing Maturity

The right systems and processes are needed to deliver high-quality applications. TMMi is an internationally recognised model designed to help you achieve your results.
Our accredited TMMi experts will identify processes that are working well, plus those that need to be introduced or enhanced to elevate your maturity level.

A World Leading Model

TMMi has grown to become the world leading model for test process improvement. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) reviewed several different test process improvement models and TMMi came out as the top one by a large margin.

Supporting Testing Your Way

TMMi is not a prescriptive model which tells you, “this is what you must do”. It is a framework and guide to help organisations understand how it can be applied to them irrespective of the market sector that they are in, as well as against different development lifecycle models.

Accelerated Results

In the TMMi Foundation's world-wide user survey of over 100 companies found that 94% of TMMi users experience product quality benefits. The greatest benefits have been reduced risk levels, improved test efficiency, and increased productivity.

How Can We Help?

As an accredited Assessment Service and Training Provider, Planit can help you build your understanding of the TMMi model. Identifing your maturity level and implement improvements through TMMi certification.
Accredited TMMi Training
Equip your team with the knowledge they need to significantly contribute to your test process improvement initiatives with Planit’s accredited TMMi training. Benefit from the tutelage of Clive Bates, TMMi’s Accreditation Chair. Draw upon his extensive experience and gain unique insights not found anywhere else.
Once your optimisations have been bedded down, our accredited Lead Assessors can complete a Formal TMMi Assessment to certify your organisation at its attained level of maturity. When the process is complete, you will be granted your official accreditation and accompanying status. This information will also be verified and published on the TMMi Foundation website.
The informal assessment will identify those processes that are working well and those that need to be introduced or enhanced to enable the company to achieve your desired maturity level. Its results will help you to improve speed, quality and efficiency in delivery by consistently applying optimised processes, providing a baseline from which you can build upon.
Often scheduled after the initial informal assessment, this workshop is designed to prioritise areas of improvement based on your companies’ objectives. Through the workshop process, owners for each improvement initiative will be agreed. Those initiatives can be internally-led or Planit-led.

Our Approach

TMMi helps to identify processes that are working well, and those that need to be introduced or enhanced to enable your organisation to achieve your desired maturity level.
Our framework provides a consistent approach that supports both traditional and modern development methodologies, and is flexible enough to adapt to changing practices and requirements.

Market Leaders Choose Planit

Enquire Today

Ready to benchmark your testing maturity and implement further improvements? Our accredited TMMi experts will identify processes that are working well, and those that need to be introduced or enhanced to elevate your maturity level.
Contact us to find out how you can use TMMi to introduce the right testing processes and achieve better testing outcomes with less effort,

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