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INSIGHTS / Reports

Industry Stats: Project Outcomes based on Primary Methodologies

 23 Jan 2013 
INSIGHTS / Reports

Industry Stats: Project Outcomes based on Primary Methodologies

 23 Jan 2013 

The 2012 Planit Testing Index provided some excellent conversation fodder for dedicated Agile followers and skeptics alike.

When analysing project methodologies against outcomes, organisations who primarily follow a V-Model approach achieved both the most favourable project outcomes and the least unfavourable outcomes (postponements and cancellations). This leaves Waterfall and Agile to battle it out for second place.

Upon comparison, the first thing to jump off the page is a glaring discrepancy between ‘on time, budget and scope’ delivery, with Agile registering in at just 8% compared with Waterfall’s 36%. Looking closer, respondents who primarily followed an Agile method completed their projects with significant changes to scope more than half of the time (51%).

One could argue that flexibility and changing of scope are core attributes of Agile projects, and as such ‘significant changes’ should not be factored in as a negative outcome. Following this train of thought, Agile beats out Waterfall, with 5 percent fewer projects experiencing negative outcomes, whether that be over time/budget, postponement or cancellation.

Either way, it is clear that Agile is still maturing in its implementations.

Planit Testing Index 2012: Project Outcomes


  On time, budget and scope   Significant changes   Over time/budget    Postponed  Cancelled 


V Model 

  On time, budget and scope   Significant changes   Over time/budget    Postponed  Cancelled 



  On time, budget and scope   Significant changes   Over time/budget    Postponed  Cancelled 


This serves as an interesting comparison to the breakdown of Agile project success when addressed directly. As previously covered, over half of all respondents who worked in Agile projects rated it as more successful in every category. The biggest standout was in team collaboration, with 74% seeing improved collaboration while only 8% registered a negative response. A breakdown of all categories surveyed is included below.

Planit Testing Index 2012: Agile Success – Breakdown

  Far more successful       Generally more successful      Relatively similar results    
  Generally less successful        Far less successful

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