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INSIGHTS / Reports

Industry Stats: Test Tool Utilisation 2012

 27 Jun 2013 
INSIGHTS / Reports

Industry Stats: Test Tool Utilisation 2012

 27 Jun 2013 

The 2012 Index provided interesting insights into the Australian and New Zealand test tools market. HP is the dominant player in the tools space, but a range of other products are also widely used.

HP’s ALM and Quality Center suites have a strong lead among Test Management tools, being utilised in 41% of respondent organisations. Other significant players include JIRA at 27% and Microsoft (TFS) at 17%.

HP also dominated the Test Automation and Performance Testing tools space, with Selenium and JMeter being the only other players with significant market share in these respective categories.

Planit Testing Index 2012: Test Tool Utilisation

As illustrated below, the Financial Services sector proved to be the heaviest user of the HP suite by a significant margin. In fact, they dominated all major tools with the exception of JMeter, which had heavy adoption in the Software Development and IT sector.

A large portion of the Government sector shied away from the major Test Management tools, and around a third had no tool for either Test Automation or Performance Testing.

Planit Testing Index 2012: Test Tool Utilisation by Industry

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